1. This weekend, all 15 maximum temperatures on the planet were in Australia.

2. Australia is currently going through an extreme heatwave.

3. Stay safe out there you guys.

4. Australia, you’re fucked.

5. It was so hot, cops in Queensland were frying eggs on the bonnet of their police van.

6. It so goddamn hot!

7. OMG, Seriously?

8. Keeping koalas cool one sip at a time.

9. It might be 47 degrees in New South Wales but it’s snowing in Tasmania.

10. The heat is breaking record temperatures all across the country.

11. People weren’t fairing any better.

12. Animals were patted down with ice to keep them cool.

13. Baby turtles were dying from the boiling sand.

14. Australia literally feels like an oven.