1. I don’t care about Disney lying about my Prince Charming. I’m more pissed about forest creatures and their unwillingness to clean my house. @Carbosly

2. Belle could have easily set up some kind of literacy program in her town instead of being a pretentious snit about it @MaraWilson

3. hairdresser: what do you want me to do? me: just a trim thanks hairdresser: no problem me: jimdoesntcarrey

4. Watching so many Disney movies as a young girl gave me very unrealistic expectations about how majestically my hair should blow in the wind. @theresa_lauren

5. Pretty cool how the Little Mermaid left her family, sold her voice and risked her life all because she wanted the D @ElizaBayne

6. They can only call Disneyland “the happiest place on earth” because In-N-Out doesn’t serve liquor. @hipstermermaid

7. FROZEN SUMMARY: Lack of communication between upper class siblings leads to untold misery and uncertain future for general population. @sacha_is_good

8. “Furious 7″ sounds like a reboot of Snow White in which the dwarves have to rescue her from a terrorist and are all played by Liam Neeson. @OhNoSheTwitnt

9. Rapunzel’s pubes must have been next level. @senderblock23

10. Total bs that when Sleeping Beauty spends all day in bed she’s a “beautiful princess,” but when I do the same I’m “clinically depressed.” @thetigersez