#1 This person who mistakenly revealed to their mom that they’re lonely

campbelllken / Via twitter.com

#2 This person who I guess loves beer a whole lot

lauren_beckett / Via twitter.com

#3 This person who combined autocorrect with liquor

nickpage342 / Via twitter.com

#4 This person who was just curious

bgrasso2 / Via twitter.com

#5 This person who messed up and then had to save herself the next morning

Itsss_Megan / Via twitter.com

#6 This person who reminded her mom to never turn down

carojonas / Via twitter.com

#7 This person who thought this was the time to share this “hack”

toreeehhh / Via twitter.com

#8 This person who planned their hangover meal in advance

CaitlinKotooo / Via twitter.com

#9 This person who ended their night on a nauseous note

thatssoraae / Via twitter.com

#10 This person who drunkenly bullied her dad

lgoldss / Via twitter.com

#11 This person who basically created their own life story

KristinStallone / Via twitter.com

#12 This person who used her mom as a food alarm clock

Shyla_Marie15 / Via twitter.com

#13 This person who said TOO MUCH

ThatAsian04 / Via twitter.com

#14 This person who wanted to share the Pixar joy with Lauren

emgeekilljoy / Via twitter.com

#15 This person whose mom was not about to lose out on sleep

bbrexh / Via twitter.com

#16 This person who was just genuinely concerned for her mom

ashly_pizzo / Via twitter.com

And finally, this person who didn’t even get the chance to text her dad

KadaKosolofski / Via twitter.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: KadaKosolofski / twitter.com