If you don’t find farts funny then you’re a loser because you’re choosing to have less joy in your life but the exact same amount of farts

When god was inventing feelings, I wonder if he knew what a hit “finding out someone hates the same person as you” was gonna be

Garfield’s favorite food is THE most labor intensive dish you could ask someone to make for you and he eats it in one bite lie an asshole

trying to explain the patriarchy to men feels like telling someone who has never heard of bones that there’s a skeleton inside their body

Why does Minnie Mouse wear heels? She is the only female mouse Mickey knows. Pressure’s off, girl. Your boyfriend doesn’t even have a shirt.

Sorry to disappoint you feminists but YES my career has kept me from finding a man and now all I have is all this money and happiness

i got work to do, i’ll just do a little bit of clickin’ around on the net first
*20 minutes pass*
welp, according to this quiz i have cancer

So no one told you you were Dr.Frasier
Your job is talking on the phone to the insane


Uh oh you guys we made the wrong kinds os nerds cool. It was supposed to be the books ones

I was woted “class clown” but only because, like a clown, people generally agreed not to invite me to parties

Who came up with the word gargling to describe gargling? I want to give them a prize for doing a good job

Any guy that complains about being put in the “Friend Zone” belongs in my “Diarrhea Bucket” lol

I ordered egg rolls alone at a restaurant and the waiter said, “Just so you know, it comes with 4.” I feel both under and over estimated

i dont’t know why i spend so much time reading the tweets of people who disagree with me when i could be googling how to get rid of skin tags

Considering that I can smoke legal weed and watch any episode of Daria I want in the bath, it’s pretty weird that I DON’T believe in God

Tried to buy a doormat and here’s what arrived: a piece of foam with a photo of the thing I wanted printed on it.


“It’s a good thing my hair is the color of barbecue sauce, so no one can see I got barbecue sauce in my hair earlier.”-Emily Heller, age 31

Image Credit: nerdist.com