1. This poet

Omusa / Via reddit.com

2. This school full of John Cenas.

deathbyleah / Via reddit.com

3. This 4-year-old music connoisseur

Naatti_ / Via reddit.com

4. This mother who birthed a prodigy

vld-s / Via reddit.com

5. This 2020 winner of The Voice

HazzaSquad / Via reddit.com

6. This true believer.

jcmonk / Via reddit.com

7. This tough guy.

Mr_AC250 / Via reddit.com

8. This brave, bada*s fiancé.

blokkiesam / Via reddit.com

9. This moral compass.

grandmaster_oatcake / Via reddit.com

10. This silly, sleepy girl.

RainbowFast / Via reddit.com

11. This atheist

astridu / Via reddit.com

12. This emo high school

Cryawn / Via reddit.com

13. This Walmart patron and her empathetic cashier

princesslisa_ / Via reddit.com

14. This insanely true thing that happened in physics class:.

CheeseIsForClosers / Via reddit.com

15. This virtuoso chemist

LynxMachine / Via reddit.com

16. This parent getting totally schooled by their 7-year-old.

yungthug4pres / Via reddit.com

17. This sandwich artist

je_suis_un_negre / Via reddit.com

18. This elevator interaction

stephrules45 / Via reddit.com

And this vegan.

je_suis_un_negre / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: RainbowFast / Reddit