#1 A lot was happening at this Pizza Hut:

Oh my god
DISIS4BABYFAT / Via twitter.com

#2 This guy made a huge mistake:

jnudey / Via twitter.com

#3 Harry Styles broke the internet with a single word:

Harry_Styles / Via twitter.com

#4 Joe Jonas had the “best day ever,” but Sophie Turner wasn’t so sure about that:

joejonas / Via instagram.com

#5 The Joker won the weekend box office and his laugh won Twitter:

#6 This costume was just…so, so important:

#7 These divas strutted their way into our hearts:

#8 This man was truly living his best life:

#9 This kitty spun around and around:

#10 This human crane machine was kinda perfect:

#11 Tom Holland shaved his head and, as it turns out, people could not handle it!!!

#12 This gender reveal went over…not well!!!

#13 This little guy took a tumble:

#14 And finally, The Avengers assembled!!!

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: hellzbalez / twitter.com, DISIS4BABYFAT / twitter.com