#1 Whoever had to clean up this crap.

bayolentez / Via reddit.com

#2 Kylar, whose iPad was hiding in plain sight

Vector12000 / Via reddit.com

#3 This rock climber who dropped his glasses

Bittlegeuss / Via reddit.com

#4 This Yankee swap winner

strooticus / Via reddit.com

#5 This person who mixed up the soy sauce and the syrup.

sirfluffyington / Via reddit.com

#6 This hasn’t aged well.

daniyald700 / Via reddit.com

#7 This guy who thought he could turn himself in for the reward money

Iwillcommentevrywhr / Via reddit.com

#8 This curious dude

MyNameGifOreilly / Via reddit.com

#9 This musician

NerfGunCaleb / Via reddit.com

#10 This Porsche owner whose dog misbehaved.

Aquagenie / Via reddit.com

#11 This person and their DIY tattoo

iamtheundefined / Via reddit.com

#12 This driver who forgot their bike was on the roof.

Redomdant / Via reddit.com

#13 This person who left their window open

Shouldaville / Via reddit.com

#14 This poor guy

doitaljosh / Via reddit.com

#15 This person who almost took a deadly shortcut

farishta_ / Via reddit.com

#16 This pizza lover

BCFire22 / Via reddit.com

#17 This person who misplaced one AirPod

David Held / Via buzzfeed.com

#18 This dude on his way to work.

antoniotri / Via reddit.com

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: antoniotri / reddit.com, Shouldaville / reddit.com