#1 A selfie that was worth taking

menshawy8 / Via reddit.com

#2 It’s time to take a selfie!

Econfailure / Via reddit.com

#3 The only acceptable reason to own and use a selfie stick

S-WordoftheMorning / Via reddit.com

#4 She definitely took him by surprise.

stacebowbace / Via imgur.com

#5 A smiling quokka makes any picture beyond perfect.

Australia / Via twitter.com

#6 Just curious about whether all the deer in that park are trained to take great selfies.

Buttlet / Via reddit.com

#7 Now we realize that selfie sticks are crucial when you need to get a shot of a goat hanging out on a tree.

mohamez / Via reddit.com

#8 Photo bamboomb

monkeymaster56 / Via reddit.com

#9 What started out as a photobomb turned out to be the greatest photo i have ever taken

catinthefez / Via imgur.com

#10 Most photogenic creatures ever

drbozza / Via reddit.com

#11 Best selfie ever? Best selfie ever.

CallMeEiffelPlower / Via imgur.com

#12 Masterpiece selfie

missbamboo6 / Via imgur.com

#13 Happiness overload

daxon / Via instagram.com

#14 Action selfies that capture true emotions are the best.

porku / Via reddit.com

#15 My cousin wanted a selfie with a kangaroo.

RedBearski / Via reddit.com

#16 Children’s edition


#17 Snapped a selfie with this guy today.

r21k34p / Via imgur.com

#18 Quokkas always look like they’re a celebrity who lets their fans take a picture with them.

kgpath / Via imgur.com

#19 Mister Whiskers

sarieh / Via imgur.com

Via BrightSide, Preview photo credit: catinthefez / imgur.com, CallMeEiffelPlower / imgur.com