#1 This *classiqué* roommate bio we’ve all seen in Facebook housing groups

#2 This lovely surprise!!!!!!!!!!

#3 This truth about cohabitation

#4 This ***VERY CLEAR*** red flag

#5 The infamous Princess Diana Shrine Prank™

#6 This simple math

#7 This oddly-consumed grapefruit

#8 The Sad Tale of the Lone Nuggie

#9 This total power move

#10 The only time spying on your roommate is morally acceptable

#11 This fridge, fully stocked with all the necessities

#12 The ever-iconic passive-aggressive art gallery

#13 This brand new and sliiiightly off roommate

#14 This absolute pinnacle of roommate-ness

#15 This accurate depiction

Via BuzzFeed, Preview photo credit: AlecPloof / twitter.com